Vocabulary Building: “FACILITATE” – Meaning and Usage

In today’s video we’ll continue to expand our vocabulary and learn a new English word – “facilitate.”

Let’s break it into parts and learn the word’s origin.

The root of the word – “facil” comes from Latin “facilis,” which means “easy.”

THIS word, in turn, comes from the Latin verb “facere,” which means “to do, to make.”

So, in effect, “facil” just means “doable.” It is easy because it is doable.

The “s” turns into a “T,” which is simply for pronunciation purposes.

Suffix “-ate” in English helps form a verb and means “to do, to make.”

And thus, the literal meaning of “facilitate” is “to make doable.”

When you facilitate something, you make it easier. You make it more doable.

And here is an example of how to use the word in a sentence:

“We need new rules to facilitate passing through customs at the airport without excessive delay.”



Tutor Phil

Tutor Phil is an e-learning professional who helps adult learners finish their degrees by teaching them academic writing skills.

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