In today’s video we’ll continue to expand our vocabulary and learn the origin of a very important word – Decision.
Does this word have anything in common with the word PREcision? Absolutely. These words share a Latin root – “cidere,” which means “to cut.”
How does the word Decision differ from the word PREcision? It has a different prefix – “De.” And “De” in Latin means “down from” or “off.”
When something falls “down from” the table, it means it falls “off” the table.
So, what is the meaning of the word Decision, then? Well, you probably already know that it means to decide. But what does it really mean to decide, to make a decision?
Well, as we said, “De-” is Latin for “off.” The root CIS is a version of Latin “cidere,” which means “to cut.” And the suffix -ION means the “state of” or “condition of.”
And thus we have the STATE of CUTTING OFF.
When you make a decision, you cut off any other possibilities. You cut off all other options. That’s what it really means to decide.